Giant-Sized Weekly Haul #8


Good Evening, and welcome back to the Weekly Haul! This feature has been a little less than “weekly” of  late, I know, but it’s free. We got a whole lot of great stuff these last few weeks, and as you can see Kittycat Jackson is rolling with glee, so let’s cut the spooky intro and see what’s in the stash this week, shall we? Continue reading

Giant-Sized Weekly Haul #7

20170708_184921Lo! Children! We return on a hot summer’s night to our four color ritual, and welcome you back to the Weekly Haul! The locust song cuts through the fog  and into the windows of the swamp mansion as I type, and it’s nights like this that are best for sitting on the porch with a good comic, that is, if you’re not getting fresh at the local drive-in during Plan 9 From Outer Space. As you can see in the above picture, Mr. Kittycat Jackson is drunk already and in no mood for lengthy intros, so let’s see what’s in the stash this week, shall we?

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