The Weekly Haul


Mr. Jackson is over the moon this week, even though it’s a small pile. I’m on a tight budget, and I’m going on a Smokey and the Bandit type situation next week, so that will be radio silence for a little while, so for right now we got three things. Dark Knight III, by Miller, Azzerello, and Kubert, James Bond: Eidolon, and Black Panther #3. Ooh how badly I want Eric Powell’s Hillbilly this week, but it will just have to wait. See you soon, If I survive.


-Grim Doin’s


A title so great they had to open the trailer by proving it was in the dictionary. One of the great moments of this movie is watching violent drunk Oliver Reed chain-smoking while performing his duties as organ player at the church. Staring down the old women giving him the evil eye as clouds of smoke hit them in the face, and silently daring them to do anything about it as he puts out his butts on the organ itself. Not as well remembered as other Hammer classics, and often dismissed as a cheap Psycho knock off, this movie is a great little evil Mod gem.

-Grim Doin’s

The Weekly Haul



Once more the inscrutable Mr. Kittycat Jackson has absconded with my weekly comics haul. Two days I searched for him among the islands of the foggy bay and the long shadowed corridors of our swamp mansion home before I found him as he is in the above photo, holed up in the electrical shed with my comic books and four empty handles of cat-grade bourbon. Mr. Jackson is a mean drunk, but I gave him a straw to play with and he allowed me to sit and read with him in the shed. Anywho, here’s what’s in the stash today…

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Back In Time, With My Favorite Notebook


To my knowledge, I cannot go back in time and prevent presidential assassinations. I can’t shoot the breeze with Eric the Red or challenge Jesus of Nazareth to some basketball. And I’ll never be able to terrorize the pilgrims at Plymouth Rock with laser lights and a Gorn costume. But that’s not to say that time travel isn’t possible. I went back in time last week. And it cost me $7.25.

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